Black Hat Las Vegas Baby
Wed, 30 Jul 2008 13:49:53 GMT
So, Black Hat is next week. Great! I will be happy to see you all there. You may even join me on the 6th at 13:45 - the "Client-side Security" talk. The details of my talk are here, which btw is the improved version of what I have over here.
I am still working on my slides, trying to add that edge-ness I am always striving to achieve combined with a severe doze of simplicity. Don't you know? Simple is the new black.
This time around I am visiting the conference as a tourist. So, I will concentrate more on socializing with all of you nerds, instead of concentrating that much on my talk and business matters. So, see you there.
Archived Comments
I would really like to attend, but lack the necessary funding and vacation time at this point. Perhaps next year I will get around to it.
where r u based?
If you are offering to pay I am located in Tennessee in the States.
I love vegas, that picture of the sign says a thousand words. There is no place like Las Vegas anywhere else in the world.